The Complete Guide to Cardano Smart Contracts

The Complete Guide to Cardano Smart Contracts

The Power of Cardano Smart Contracts

Cardano smart contracts bring new possibilities to the blockchain world. They automate complex tasks, cut out the middleman, and ensure secure, transparent transactions on the decentralized Cardano network. If you want a quick idea:

  • Cardano blockchain: A decentralized network designed for more efficiency and security, compared to older networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  • Smart contracts: These are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code.
  • ADA token: The native cryptocurrency of the Cardano platform which fuels transactions and operations within the network.

Cardano was founded in 2015 by Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Ethereum, and launched in 2017 with the aim of creating a blockchain that’s more secure and scalable.

I’m john creek, your guide through Cardano smart contracts. I’ve been closely following this space for years, covering everything from technical updates to real-world applications.

Overview of Cardano Smart Contracts - Cardano smart contracts infographic infographic-4-steps-tech

Let’s dive deeper into what makes Cardano smart contracts such a game-changer.

What are Smart Contracts?

How Smart Contracts Work

Smart contracts are digital agreements written in code that automatically enforce the terms of a contract. They run on a blockchain, enabling secure and transparent transactions without needing middlemen like banks or lawyers.

Imagine a vending machine: you put in money, select an item, and the machine automatically dispenses your choice. Smart contracts work similarly but in the digital world. They execute automatically when certain conditions are met.

Key Features

  1. Automated Enforcement: Once set up, smart contracts execute automatically when predefined conditions are met. This eliminates the need for intermediaries.
  2. Blockchain Transactions: These contracts reside on a blockchain, which ensures they are secure and tamper-proof.
  3. Immutability: Once deployed, smart contracts cannot be altered. This guarantees the terms of the agreement remain unchanged.
  4. Transparency: Everyone on the blockchain can see the contract terms, ensuring all parties are aware and can verify the contract’s integrity.

Code Validation and UTXOs

On the Cardano blockchain, smart contracts use the eUTXO model (Extended Unspent Transaction Output). Here’s how it works:

  • UTXOs: These are pieces of cryptocurrency that have not been spent yet. Think of them as digital coins in your wallet.
  • Code Validation: Smart contracts validate transactions by checking if they meet the rules coded into the contract. If the rules are met, the transaction proceeds; if not, it is blocked.

On-Chain and Off-Chain Components

Cardano smart contracts consist of two main parts:

  1. On-Chain (Validator Scripts): These scripts run on the blockchain and validate transactions. They check if the transaction follows the contract’s rules.
  2. Off-Chain: This part generates transactions that conform to the contract’s rules. It runs on a user’s device, not on the blockchain, and can be written in almost any programming language.

Transaction Rules

For a transaction to be valid under a smart contract, it must meet specific criteria set in the contract’s code. For example, if a smart contract is set up to release funds only when a shipment is delivered, the transaction will only go through if the delivery is confirmed.

Datum and Redeemers

  • Datum: This is extra information attached to a UTXO. It acts as the contract’s “state” and can be used in future transactions.
  • Redeemers: These are inputs that tell the validator script how to use the datum. They play a crucial role in validating transactions.

In summary, Cardano smart contracts automate and enforce agreements securely and transparently on the blockchain. They rely on a unique model of UTXOs and have both on-chain and off-chain components to ensure smooth operation.

Blockchain Transactions - Cardano smart contracts

Let’s now explore the key features of Cardano smart contracts.

Cardano Smart Contracts: An Overview

Key Features of Cardano Smart Contracts

Cardano smart contracts come with several unique features that make them powerful and flexible. Let’s break them down:

eUTXO Model

Cardano uses the extended Unspent Transaction Output (eUTXO) model. Unlike the account-based model used by Ethereum, eUTXO provides more predictable transaction costs and parallel processing of transactions. Each UTXO is a discrete unit of value that can be locked by a smart contract and only spent if the contract’s conditions are met.

Validator Scripts

Validator scripts are the on-chain component of Cardano smart contracts. These scripts automatically validate transactions involving UTXOs locked at a specific address. They run when a transaction tries to move a UTXO and output either true or false based on whether the transaction meets the contract’s rules.

Example: If you have a UTXO locked in a contract for a crowdfunding project, the validator script will check if the funding goal is met before allowing the funds to be released.


The datum is a piece of data attached to a UTXO, acting as the state of the contract. It carries information needed for future transactions. Without a datum, a UTXO can be locked forever, which makes it crucial for the functioning of Cardano smart contracts.


A redeemer is an input that tells the validator script how to use the datum. It’s like an instruction manual that guides the validator script in validating the transaction.

Transaction Context

The transaction context provides additional information about the transaction, such as inputs, outputs, and metadata. This context helps the validator script make informed decisions about whether to approve or reject a transaction.

On-Chain Validation

On-chain validation ensures that the rules defined in the validator script are strictly followed. This means that every node in the Cardano network will run the validator script to confirm the transaction’s validity, ensuring security and transparency.

Off-Chain Transaction Generation

The off-chain component is responsible for creating transactions that adhere to the smart contract’s rules. This can be done in almost any programming language, making it flexible for developers to work with their preferred tools.

Datum State

The state of a Cardano smart contract is maintained through the datum attached to UTXOs. This allows for multi-step contracts where the state can change over time based on the transactions that occur.

Example: In a multi-step contract for a supply chain, the datum could store the current status of a shipment. As the shipment progresses, new transactions update the datum, reflecting the new state.

Multi-Step Contracts

Cardano smart contracts support multi-step processes. This means you can create contracts that evolve over multiple transactions, each step validated by the validator script and updated through the datum.

Case Study: A real-world example is Marlowe, a domain-specific language for financial contracts on Cardano. Marlowe allows for complex financial agreements to be automated and enforced over multiple steps, such as loan agreements and insurance contracts.

By leveraging these features, Cardano smart contracts offer a robust and secure way to automate agreements and transactions on the blockchain.

Next, let’s dive into the programming languages used for Cardano smart contracts.

Programming Languages for Cardano Smart Contracts


Plutus is the primary programming language for Cardano smart contracts. It’s purpose-built and based on Haskell, a functional programming language known for its robustness and safety. Plutus allows developers to write both on-chain and off-chain code, ensuring that the entire contract logic is cohesive and secure.

Plutus contracts are split into two parts:

  • On-chain code: Runs directly on the Cardano blockchain.
  • Off-chain code: Runs on the user’s machine, handling interactions with the blockchain.

This separation helps in managing complex logic while keeping the on-chain execution efficient.


Marlowe is a domain-specific language (DSL) custom for financial contracts. It simplifies the process of creating financial agreements by offering a visual programming interface as well as traditional code. Marlowe is embedded in JavaScript, TypeScript, and Haskell, making it accessible to developers with various backgrounds.

Marlowe is ideal for:

  • Financial institutions: Building custom financial instruments.
  • Developers: Creating and deploying complex financial contracts without deep programming knowledge.


Aiken is designed to improve the developer experience on Cardano. It offers a familiar syntax similar to Rust and TypeScript, making it easier for developers to pick up. Aiken focuses on providing helpful compiler feedback and automatic code formatting, which speeds up the development process.

Key features include:

  • Quick compiler feedback
  • Automatic code formatting
  • Testing and benchmarking framework
  • Open-source: Encouraging community contributions and improvements.


OpShin is a Python-based language for developing generic smart contracts on Cardano. It aims to be developer-friendly by leveraging Python’s simplicity and readability. OpShin is ideal for developers who prefer Python and want to write smart contracts without learning a new language.


plu-ts is a TypeScript-embedded smart contract programming language and transaction creation library. It allows developers to write smart contracts in TypeScript, a language widely used in web development. This makes it easier for web developers to transition into blockchain development on Cardano.

plu-ts offers:

  • TypeScript integration: Making it accessible to web developers.
  • Transaction creation library: Simplifying the process of building and deploying smart contracts.

These diverse programming languages and tools provide a flexible and powerful ecosystem for developing Cardano smart contracts. Whether you are a financial expert, an experienced Haskell developer, or a Python enthusiast, Cardano has the right tools to help you build secure and scalable decentralized applications.

Next, let’s explore some real-world use cases of Cardano smart contracts.

Real-World Use Cases

Marlowe Example

Marlowe is a domain-specific language (DSL) custom for financial contracts on the Cardano blockchain. It’s designed to make it easy for financial and business experts to create and manage contracts without needing deep technical knowledge.

Financial Contracts

Marlowe is particularly powerful for creating financial contracts. It allows users to build and deploy custom financial instruments that can automate complex financial agreements. For example, a bank could use Marlowe to create a smart contract for a loan agreement, ensuring automated repayments and interest calculations.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

In the DeFi space, Marlowe can be used to develop decentralized applications (dApps) that offer financial services like lending, borrowing, and trading. These dApps can operate without intermediaries, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Custom DSL

Marlowe’s custom DSL is embedded in JavaScript, TypeScript, and Haskell. This flexibility allows developers to choose the programming environment that best suits their skills and project needs.

Financial Instruments

With Marlowe, financial institutions can create a wide range of financial instruments. These can include anything from simple payment agreements to complex derivatives. The language’s built-in safety features help ensure that these contracts are executed correctly and securely.

API Integration

Marlowe also supports API integration, making it easier to connect smart contracts with external systems. For instance, a Marlowe contract could be integrated with an external data feed to automatically adjust interest rates based on real-time market data.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate:

Imagine a loan agreement where the borrower must repay a fixed amount of ADA every month. The Marlowe contract can automatically track repayments and penalize late payments, all without manual intervention. This level of automation can significantly reduce administrative overhead and improve accuracy.

By leveraging Marlowe, financial institutions and developers can create robust and secure financial contracts that operate seamlessly on the Cardano blockchain. This not only improves transparency but also builds trust in decentralized financial systems.

Next, let’s address some frequently asked questions about Cardano smart contracts.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cardano Smart Contracts

Does Cardano have smart contracts now?

Yes, Cardano introduced smart contract support in 2021 with its Alonzo update. This was a significant milestone, enabling developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) on the Cardano blockchain. The introduction of Plutus, Cardano’s purpose-built smart contract platform, marked the beginning of a multi-functional environment for building and deploying smart contracts.

How do smart contracts work on Cardano?

Cardano smart contracts operate using a unique model called the eUTXO (Extended Unspent Transaction Output) model. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • UTXO Validation: Similar to Bitcoin, Cardano uses UTXOs to track cryptocurrency. However, Cardano extends this model to support complex smart contracts.

  • Script Address: Each smart contract has a unique address derived from the hash of the compiled script. When a transaction is made to this address, the Cardano network automatically executes the contract’s logic.

  • Transaction Rules: Transactions must adhere to specific rules defined in the smart contract. These rules are written in the contract’s code and are validated by each Cardano node.

  • On-Chain and Off-Chain Components: Cardano smart contracts have parts that run on the blockchain (on-chain) and parts that run on the user’s machine (off-chain). This separation helps in optimizing performance and cost.

What language are Cardano smart contracts written in?

Cardano supports several programming languages for writing smart contracts, catering to different developer preferences and use cases:

  • Haskell: The foundation of Plutus. Haskell is a functional programming language known for its robustness and reliability.

  • Plutus: A purpose-built platform for Cardano smart contracts. It uses Haskell for on-chain code and also supports off-chain components.

  • Marlowe: A domain-specific language (DSL) designed for financial contracts. Marlowe can be used with JavaScript, TypeScript, and Haskell, making it versatile for various financial applications.

  • Aiken: A language and toolchain focused on developer experience, suitable for on-chain validator scripts.

  • OpShin: Based on Python, OpShin offers a more familiar syntax for developers comfortable with Python.

  • plu-ts: A TypeScript-embedded language for creating smart contracts and handling transactions.

These languages and tools provide developers with multiple options to build secure and efficient smart contracts on the Cardano blockchain.

Next, let’s dive into some real-world use cases of Cardano smart contracts.


Cardano smart contracts are revolutionizing the way we think about digital agreements. By leveraging the eUTXO model, validator scripts, and a variety of programming languages like Plutus, Marlowe, and Aiken, Cardano offers a robust and flexible environment for developers.

At CoinBuzzFeed, we believe that Cardano’s smart contracts are just the beginning of an exciting journey. With future developments like improved developer tools and a growing ecosystem, the possibilities are limitless.

Future Developments

Cardano is continuously evolving. The introduction of new languages like Aiken and tools that improve developer experience ensures that the platform remains at the cutting edge of blockchain technology. The Cardano Foundation’s commitment to open-source development, as seen with Aiken, is a testament to the collaborative spirit within the community.

Developer Tools

The variety of languages and tools available for Cardano smart contracts is impressive. From Plutus and Marlowe to newer entries like OpShin and plu-ts, developers have a rich toolkit to create secure and efficient smart contracts. These tools not only simplify the development process but also ensure the robustness and reliability of the contracts.

Ecosystem Growth

The Cardano ecosystem is growing rapidly. With projects like Marlowe for financial contracts and various DeFi applications, Cardano is ready to make significant impacts across multiple industries. The platform’s focus on academic rigor and peer-reviewed research ensures that it remains secure, scalable, and ready for real-world applications.

We at CoinBuzzFeed are excited to see how Cardano smart contracts will shape the future of decentralized applications and digital agreements. Whether you’re a developer, investor, or simply curious about blockchain technology, Cardano offers a promising and innovative platform to explore.