Trump’s Bold Bitcoin Vision: SEC Overhaul & National Stockpile, Bitcoin Conference 2024

  • Donald Trump plans to fire Gary Gensler on day one.
  • Proposal to create a US Government Bitcoin stockpile.
  • Trump pledges no CBDC during his presidency.
  • Bitcoin is portrayed as a symbol of freedom.

A New Era for Bitcoin Under Trump’s Leadership


During a 2024 Bitcoin Conference, Donald Trump made waves with his ambitious plans for cryptocurrency. Emphasizing Bitcoin’s potential and outlining a strategy that could revolutionize the U.S. government’s approach to digital assets, Trump aimed to solidify America’s position as a crypto leader. Here’s a breakdown of his key points.

Major Policy Shifts and Bitcoin Advocacy

Firing Gary Gensler and Reforming the SEC
Donald Trump’s speech opened with a bombshell: if elected, he would fire SEC Chairman Gary Gensler on his first day in office. Trump’s critique of the current SEC leadership focuses on what he views as over-regulation and obstruction of crypto innovation. By appointing a new SEC chairman, Trump aims to foster a more crypto-friendly regulatory environment.

Establishing a National Bitcoin Stockpile
A cornerstone of Trump’s plan is the creation of a strategic national Bitcoin stockpile. He envisions the U.S. government accumulating and holding Bitcoin as a strategic asset. This initiative would not only legitimize Bitcoin but also potentially stabilize its value and foster national security.

Bitcoin’s Role in Economic Strategy
Trump emphasized that the U.S. government would retain 100% of its Bitcoin holdings, signifying a long-term investment strategy. He boldly predicted Bitcoin’s market cap would surpass gold’s, positioning it as a premier financial asset. This reflects Trump’s belief in Bitcoin’s enduring value and transformative potential.

Trump’s Vision for Crypto Freedom

No CBDC Under Trump’s Watch
In a decisive stance against Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), Trump pledged that there would never be a CBDC during his presidency. He argues that CBDCs represent government overreach and could undermine individual financial freedom.

Bitcoin and Crypto’s Explosive Future
Trump painted a vibrant future for Bitcoin, forecasting unprecedented growth if he is elected. He encouraged the public to hold onto their Bitcoin, reinforcing the narrative that Bitcoin’s value is destined to soar.

Ross Ulbricht’s Sentence and Crypto Advocacy
Reaffirming his pledge, Trump mentioned his intent to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the founder of Silk Road. This move is seen as part of his broader commitment to rectify what he views as injustices in the current system and to support the crypto community.

Bitcoin as a Symbol of Freedom
Trump’s speech underscored his vision of Bitcoin as a symbol of freedom, sovereignty, and independence from government control. He contrasted Bitcoin’s potential with the current administration’s policies, which he claims are detrimental to the dollar.

The Future of Crypto Under Trump

Trump’s vision extends beyond Bitcoin to the broader crypto landscape. He declared that under his leadership, the United States would become the crypto capital of the world. His administration would prioritize creating a regulatory environment that encourages innovation and investment in cryptocurrency.

Anti-Crypto Crusade to End

In a strong conclusion, Trump assured the Bitcoin community that his administration would put an end to what he termed the “anti-crypto crusade” led by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This promise aligns with his overall message of fostering a pro-crypto government.


Donald Trump’s speech at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference was a clarion call for a new direction in U.S. crypto policy. By proposing bold changes and emphasizing Bitcoin’s potential, Trump aims to position the United States as a global leader in the crypto space. His promises of regulatory reform, a national Bitcoin stockpile, and unwavering support for crypto freedom resonated strongly with the audience, marking a significant moment in the ongoing dialogue about the future of cryptocurrency in America.