In an exciting development on the Cardano Mainnet, a new transaction with the ID *fae7bda85acb99c513aeab5f86986047b6f6cbd33a8e11f11c5005513a054dc8* has marked the initiation of the first CIP-0094 based Stake Pool Operator Poll.
Scheduled to take place during epoch 412-413, from May 17th to May 24th, 2023, this poll aims to gather stake pool operators’ preferences for the Mainnet’s reward sharing scheme. Let’s delve into the details of this significant event that holds the potential to shape the future of Cardano.
The main question posed to the stake pool operators in legible plain text is: “Which setup would you prefer to be put in place from Q3 2023 onwards?” The poll offers several options for consideration, each with its own implications for the Cardano ecosystem.