Telegram’s CEO, Pavel Durov, has announced the upcoming launch of a new feature called “Gift,” allowing users to send virtual presents to each other. Gift recipients will have the option to either display these gifts on their profiles or sell them in exchange for “Stars,” Telegram’s internal currency. Some of the gifts will be offered in limited supply, making them more exclusive.

Telegram is also integrating these gifts with blockchain technology, as users will be able to convert selected gifts into NFTs on the TON (The Open Network) blockchain later this year. This move aligns with Telegram’s broader plan to incorporate more Web3 and NFT-related features into its platform, giving users new ways to interact and earn within the app.

The “Stars” currency is used across various mini-programs and bots within Telegram, and developers will be able to withdraw or reinvest the Stars earned in promoting their projects. Initially, Stars can be withdrawn as Toncoin (TON), which developers can convert into fiat money.


  1. Coinlive: “Telegram launches new ‘Gifts’ feature with NFT integration”
  2. Binance Square: “Telegram CEO Announces Launch Of Telegram Stars”
  3. Durov’s Code: “All you need to know about Telegram Stars”



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