Vitalik: The foundation will spend 15% of the remaining funds every year and will operate forever

According to BlockBeats, on September 6, Vitalik stated in a Reddit sub-forum that the current budget strategy of the Ethereum Foundation (EF) is to spend 15% of the remaining funds each year, which means that the foundation will continue to operate forever, but as part of the ecosystem it will become smaller and smaller over time.

BlockBeats previously reported that on September 5, Justin Drake, a core researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, responded to the question “How long will it take for the Foundation’s reserves to run out?” during the 12th AMA of the Ethereum Foundation, saying: “The Ethereum Foundation’s financial report should be released soon. The Foundation’s current annual budget is about $100 million (mainly composed of grants and salaries, and some grant recipients can only accept legal tender.) At current prices, the Ethereum Foundation’s main Ethereum wallet holds about $650 million worth of ETH. Previously, due to regulatory reasons, sales were temporarily stopped, so the reserve funds were not replenished until recently. Roughly estimated, the Ethereum Foundation’s reserves can cover a 10-year budget, but the amount of reserve funds is greatly affected by ETH price fluctuations.”

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