According to BlockBeats, on September 24, Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, addressed concerns regarding the ZK-VM (Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine) on social media. He pointed out an irony in the current landscape: despite its potential, the primary unrealized use case for ZK-VM technology remains privacy.

Key Insights from Vitalik:

  • Client Prover Limitations: Vitalik highlighted that privacy use cases necessitate efficient proof generation by clients. However, he noted that the current client prover speed is inadequate for managing complex tasks beyond just handling Merkle branches.
  • Need for Improvement: This limitation hampers the effective implementation of privacy solutions within ZK-VMs, suggesting that advancements in prover speed are essential for unlocking the full potential of privacy features.

Vitalik’s comments shed light on the ongoing challenges in the ZK-VM landscape and emphasize the importance of enhancing technological capabilities to realize privacy in blockchain applications.


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