The founder of released a compensation plan for GM investors and pre-sellers, including on-chain buybacks, additional airdrops, etc.

According to BlockBeats, on September 21, dexter, the founder of Whales Market and, issued a statement on X, saying that he would provide GM investors and pre-sellers with more detailed information on the compensation plan and the future of the project.

· Buyback plan: To improve liquidity and promote the development of GM, the team will buy back directly on the chain. To ensure transparency, we will make all buyback wallets public.
Additional airdrops for GM investors: Some of the GM tokens obtained through the buyback will be airdropped to pre-sellers or early buyers who sold GM at a loss. Details will be released soon.

· Collaborate with market makers to ensure liquidity and trading volume: Tier 1 market makers have been introduced.

· Has reached a soft agreement with an Asian fund/accelerator for crypto and AI. Due to the current situation, they wish to remain anonymous until the team can prove that they have successfully fixed past issues. The outlined cooperation plan is as follows:

· The fund will provide the team with resources and funding to continue launching AI and crypto products, in exchange the team will provide equity/shares.

The transaction is conditional upon successfully executing its compensation plan and continuing to make progress in the development of gmAI models and new product ideas.

Any revenue generated will also be invested back into the compensation program in the long term. This will naturally create value for token holders once the program ends.



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