According to BlockBeats, on September 26, according to official news, Telegram wallet will temporarily restrict the use of British users and will reopen after the company is registered as a corporate asset provider. The company said that it decided to register as a crypto asset provider under the current Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulations and will disable the in-app wallet function for UK residents until the appropriate regulatory license is obtained.
As part of a policy change and restructuring, Telegram recently announced following the arrest of Pavel Durov that it would begin sharing user data with law enforcement upon receipt of a “valid legal request” from authorities. This user data includes phone numbers and IP addresses, which has raised concerns among privacy and anti-censorship advocates as the data could be misused by state actors.
In announcing the policy change, Durov defended the decision, arguing that it would protect platform users from criminal activity. In a message to the Telegram community, Durov wrote: “These measures should serve as a deterrent to criminals.
Telegram search is meant to find friends and get news, not promote illegal goods. We will not let bad actors jeopardize the integrity of our platform for nearly a billion users.”