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Shenyu Transfers 618.88 WBTC to Binance

@ai_9684xtpa has reported that an address related to Shenyu withdrew 2,500 ETH recently. On the same day, this address deposited around 618.88 WBTC (worth around $37.67 million) into Binance over the past 12 hours. The WBTC deposit holds the number one position in the address’ holdings. Considering the total number of WBTC deposited, the average recharging price was $60,869.

According to news from BlockBeats, monitored by @ai_9684xtpa, an address believed to be related to Shenyu removed 2,500 ETH coins. In the following hours, they deposited 618.88 WBTC (around $37.67 million) into Binance and this deposit ranks as number one in their holdings. Furthermore, the average deposit price stands at $60,869 when considering the total deposited number of WBTC.

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