Len Sassaman’s cat Sasha has inspired a new memecoin called Sasha Cat ($Sasha) on the Solana platform, which has seen a significant increase of 1,226% since its launch and has gained over 11,000 members on Telegram. Rumors circulating online suggest that Len Sassaman may be revealed as the real creator of Bitcoin in an upcoming HBO documentary, leading to increased interest in his background and online presence.

In response to the hype around Len Sassaman, memecoin fans have created Sasha Cat and two other tokens named LEN on Solana and Ethereum. The LEN token on Ethereum has seen a massive 28,573% increase in profit in just 24 hours, leading to further speculation and excitement in the crypto community. With the documentary set to air soon, revealing the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, many are eagerly anticipating the potential impact on the cryptocurrency market if Len Sassaman is confirmed as the creator of Bitcoin.


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