Pendle released a report on the Penpie attack: Immediately suspending contracts after discovering the vulnerability, saving $105 million in assets

According to BlockBeats, on September 4, Pendle released an analysis report on the Penpie attack. “Pendle immediately suspended our contract after discovering the security vulnerability, protecting the security of approximately $105 million, which could be further lost from Penpie.

At 01:45 today, the attacker deployed the first contract used for the attack. Our real-time internal monitoring system detected it as a suspicious contract that was funded by Tornado Cash and interacted with the Pendle contract.

By 01:46 the team was aware of the red flag and remained on alert while an investigation was launched to check whether this posed a real safety threat to Pendle.

At 02:23, the first attack occurred on Penpie, a separate protocol built on top of Pendle.

At 02:25 (approximately 2 minutes after the Penpie security breach), the Pendle team was fully engaged in protecting Pendle and Pencosystem from any subsequent attacks.

At 02:34, Pendle also contacted security experts Seal 911 to help assess the situation, evaluate options, and develop appropriate strategies to prevent any subsequent related attacks.

At 02:45, we managed to suspend all contracts on Pendle. After that, the team contacted the protocols that used Pendle PT as collateral and informed them of the contract suspension.

At 02:52, our development team confirmed that the Pendle contract is secure and that the attack was caused by an issue specific to Penpie. The vulnerability was found to be related to a unique feature that allowed unauthorized listing of Pendle markets on Penpie.

At 08:50, after rigorous inspection and coordination with all relevant parties to confirm steps 1 and 2, the Pendle contract has been safely unpaused and resumed normal operation.

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