OKX Web3 Wallet: Permit/Permit2 Signature Completed

Title: OKX Web3 Wallet Upgrades Permit Signatures for Enhanced Security

Summary: OKX Web3 wallet has completed the optimization of signatures for permit/permit2 to strengthen security protection and safeguard user assets.

Key Facts:
– Frequent permit phishing incidents have been reported in the industry recently.
– The upgrade aims to enhance security protection and safeguard user assets 24/7.
– After the upgrade, OKX Web3 wallet will automatically pop up reminders for users who use permit signatures for the first time.
– The signature page will clearly mark “authorized permits” to help users easily identify them.
– Users can experience the new features by upgrading OKX APP to version 6.80.0 and above.

Meta Description: OKX Web3 wallet has optimized signatures for permit/permit2 to enhance security protection and safeguard user assets. The upgrade includes automatic reminders for first-time users and clear markings for authorized permits.

Tags: OKX Web3 wallet, permit phishing, security protection, user assets, OKX APP, upgrade, authorized permits


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