Multicoin co-founder: Solana network performance will benefit from large-scale parallel chip processing performance improvement

According to BlockBeats, on September 19, BlockBeats reporter reported on the scene that Kyle Samani, co-founder and managing partner of Multicoin Capital, attended the roundtable discussion on the theme of “Why SOL Will Flip ETH” on the first day of the TOKEN2049 main venue and said:

One of Solana’s fundamental design principles is its focus on scaling organically with parallel hardware. If you double the number of cores in a system, you double the performance of the system. Not all massively parallel chips are suitable for Solana, but that’s okay, we only need a few of them to be applicable, and these chips will further push Solana’s performance.

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is a single-threaded processor. They have been talking about parallelizing it for 9 years, but haven’t actually done anything. We think this trend of fully embracing parallelism will become more pronounced in the coming years as on-chain assets expand.



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