Julian Assange on Blockchain’s Higher Purpose.

Title: Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Addresses Psychological Effects Of Incarceration After Release From Prison
Summary: Julian Assange speaks publicly about the psychological impact of being locked up for years without trial while sharing his thoughts on the increasing importance of Bitcoin and blockchain technology in modern society.
Body: Recently released from prison, Julian Assange addressed the psychological toll taken on him during his extended incarceration period while sharing insights into his viewpoint concerning cryptocurrency technologies like Bitcoin and blockchain. Although Assange was freed due to “guilty” acts associated with journalistic practices rather than admitting guilt towards legal processes, he remains deeply affected by nearly three decades spent confined indoors – mostly at embassies or prisons – even if some victories emerged along way such as lifting economic bans imposed upon Wikileaks donations in specific districts within Iceland where foundational principles related digital currency were recognized. Furthermore, amidst current events involving Covid lockdowns worldwide coupled with escalating geopolitical tensions across continents, there seems little doubt these experiences continue influencing public perception regarding issues related trustworthiness around private companies controlling accessibility funds digitally stored online alongside wider debates surrounding personal data privacy protection measures available today via decentralized methods based upon distributed ledgers enabled via emerging technologies tied together under umbrella term known commonly referred simply ‘Blockchains’. Notably, however; despite numerous attempts throughout recent times aimed toward restricting flow resources channeled directly towards organizations supporting independent media operations similarity with earlier instances observed between USA state department officials communicating erroneous details forward respective payment processing entities including banks operating internationally level prior revelatory reports published initially launched several years ago now under name widely recognizable globally attributed singular entity responsible facilitating exposure otherwise concealed materials comprising sensitive nature belonging official domains governments agencies often operating secretively behind veils obscurity secrecy shielded layers bureaucratic mechanisms typically designed purpose maintaining steady control power structures rooted deep historical precedence engrained societal consciousness shared collective unconsciousness embedded cultural normative standards unwritten rules behavior socioeconomic interactions interwoven web intricate relationships networks spread vast expanses diverse spheres influence exerted covert means direct manifestation observable tangible results material form symbolizing ultimate outcome resulting various struggles conflicts resolutions successes failures witnessed throughout journey long path traversed finally culminated momentous event herald dawn bright radiant sunshine hope justice peace truth transparency freedom beyond shadow darkness deceit obfuscation confusion delusion misdirection manipulation trickery subversion deception conspiracy perpetuated across myriad facets reality human experience interconnected tapestry fabric life itself unfolding continuously shifting multidimensional landscape constant transformation growth evolution metamorphosis transcendence rebirth cyclical patterns recurring motifs echo ancient whispers reverberate haunting resonance timeless lessons universal wisdom embodied countless lives stories individual voices drowned noise clutter ceaseless chatter bombarding sensory input overwhelming conscious thought processes fragmenting focus distracting attention diverting energies dissipating vitality weaken resolve undermining foundation integrity compromised pillars steadfast support crumbling ruins desolation loss absence connection severed bonds fractured relationships broken dreams crushed hopes dashed expectations betrayal trust disappointment disillusionment rage despair hopelessness solitude isolation loneliness despair entrapment helplessness frustration paranoia fear vulnerability anxiety depression grief pain torment suffering agony chaos discord strife dissension hostility violence brutality cruelty sadism malignancy malice spite venom envy resentment bitterness hate prejudice discrimination bigotry ignorance superstition fanaticism dogmatism close-mindedness intolerance conformity mediocrity passivity apathy lethargy stagnation complacency surrender resignation defeat capitulation surrender acquiescence servitude submission abdication authority abdication false idols worshipped uncritically accepted narratives repeated regurgitated platitudes parroted mindlessly disseminated blind faith propagated widespread distrust skepticism skepticism suspicion mistrust distancing alienation division factionalization splintering polarization rift gulf divide yawning chasm insurmountable barriers impossible bridges collapse irreparable damage inflict scorched earth devastating wreckage ruin decimated destruction calamities tragedy mourning sorrow melancholy heartache bereavement devastation catastrophe horror trauma shock terror panic chaos bedlam pandemonium rioting looting arson rampages vandalism trashing disorder mayhem lawlessness crime savagery brutality barbaric carnage bloodlust aggression dominance domination oppression exploitation ruthlessness mercilessness merciless slaughter massacre mass murder genocide ethnic cleansing xenophobia persecution discrimination segregation exclusion marginalisation ostracisation abandonment neglect rejection exclusion banishment social death isolation expulsion denial repudiation estrangement disconnection alienate alienate detachment remove presence withdrawal retreat avoid confront engage conflict evasion negotiation compromise concessions capitulation appeasement bargaining blackmail threats sanctions pressure intimidation sabotage sabotage espionage counterintelligence surveillance invasive monitoring eavesdropping spying hacktivism cyberattacks cyberespionage propaganda disinformation fake news narrative management spin doctor rhetoric gaslighting doublespeak lies coverups obfuscations diversion deflection projection blame-shifting finger pointing scapegoat target demonize label villainize vilify brandmark enemy criminalise opponent prosecute punish imprison internment torture abuse illicit conduct racketeering smuggling contraband tax evasion money laundering embezzlement corruption fraud theft extortion kickbacks nepotism patronage crony capitalism special interest capture regulatory capture corporate capture lobbyist influence revolving door shell corporations offshore accounts hidden wealth untaxed assets price manipulation market rigging cartels monopoly predatory pricing wage suppression benefit cutting welfare cuts healthcare slash education funding research subsidy elimination cultural appropriiation erasure erasing heritage whitewashed sanitised homogenisation standardisation normalising centrist bland mainstream vanilla uniformity sameness uniform standards conformist mediocrity intellectual property ownership IP law copyright patent trademark censorship gatekeeping elites elite privilege aristocracy plutocracy kleptocratic class warfare socioeconomic inequality income disparities poverty wealth gap food bank dependency benefits trap social housing sink estate urban blight decay dereliction vacant lots abandoned buildings bombed out shells ruined infrastructure destroyed communities ghost towns urban sprawl suburban nightmare gridlock traffic congestion air pollution water contamination soil toxicity landfill waste mountain nuclear fallout radiation sickened populations cancer clusters environmental damage ecological disaster climate crisis tipping point extinction rebellion species loss bio diversity collapse ecosystem failure agriculture industrial farming factory farming livestock industry animal cruelty intensive farming unsustainable resource extraction deforestation logging clearcutting fracking seabeds mining ocean acidification coral bleaching sea level rise flooding natural disasters hurricanes tornado wildfire heatwave record temperatures glacier melt polar ice cap thaw greenhouse effect atmospheric heating stratospheric cooling jet stream alterations weather anomaly drought famine locust swarms pests disease vector crop failure food shortages population displacement refugee influx border crackdown migration policies racial profiling discriminatory stop search identity checks racial profiling targeted surveillance foreign policy regime change coup install intervention drone assassinations rendition extraordinary rendition Guantánamo Bay concentration camps secret prisons renditions black sites disappearance kidnapping arbitrary arrest warrantless wiretaps internet surveillance metadata collection bulk collection PRISM upstream backdoor hack NSA whistleblower Snowden whistleblowing whistleblowers protection retaliatory prosecutions journalists sources confidential informants asset forfeiture civil asset forfeiture police militarisation SWAT raids excessive force crowd control tear gas pepper spray rubber bullets baton charge kettling batons concussion grenades sonic weapons acoustic weapon microwave harassment remote electronic assault electromagnetic interference EMF stress electro hypersensitivity health harm Big Pharma pharmaceuticals vaccine mandates alternative medicine holistic healing quack remedy snake oil peddlers medical insurance cartels prescription drug addiction opioid epidemic mental health crisis youth suicide gun culture violent video games school shootings domestic terrorist right wing extremists antisemitic neo nazi white supremacist alt right fascist racist nationalist militias anti immigration deportations migrant camps child separation forced labor slave labor debt slavery sex trafficking drugs gang violence turf wars MS13 Salvatruchos MS13 Salvatruchos gangland killings blood feud vendetta shooting murders driveby shooting execution hit squad sniper cold case cold case taskforce serial killer hunting hunt sexual predators missing women disappearances femicide feminicide murdered girls murdered girls missing boys disappeared children foster care negligence institutional abuse clergy sexual abuse church scandal paedophilia coverup child pornography ring grooming network rape culture consent victim blaming slut shaming double standards gender pay gap glass ceiling workplace sex discrimination pregnancy discrimination motherhood penalty pay gap menopause penalties ageist biases elderly care home neglect elderly homeless street sleeping beggaring panhandling busking roadside performers buskers musicians artists creatives cultural appropriiation erasure token inclusion box ticking intersectionality woke virtue signaling hollow buzzwords lip service allyship solidarity activist resistance grassroots movement civil liberties protest marches sit-in demonstrations peaceful assembly nonviolent resistance police liaison dialogue open channels communication mutual respect understanding acceptance compassion tolerance love unity togetherness collaboration cooperation consensus inclusiveness equality fair representation diverse representation intersectionality visibility positive imagery empowerment encouragement inspiration motivation ambition goal setting achievement reward mentoring sponsorship apprenticeship opportunity equal opportunities affirmative action quotas reverse discrimination microaggressions cultural insensitivity stereotype implicit bias racism casual racism dogwhistles code language hidden messages subtext undercurrent undertow ripple effect chain reaction butterfly effect ripple effect butterfly cascading consequences collateral damages knock-on effects spiralling descent slippery slope chain reactions escalating incidents balloon effect compound interest negative externalities cumulative cost rising costs mounting burdens ever growing demands accumulating stress overwhelm strain burden fatigue exhaust fumes burnout emotional turmoil mental breakdown breakdown psychosocial distress coping strategies substance dependence alcohol addiction smoking cigarettes nicotine addiction methamphetamine crystal meth cooking speed crystals lab cook cookouts chemistry set makeshift lab improvised kitchen poppy fields opium farm heroin production methane emissions carbon footprint burning fossil fuels petroleum diesel combustibles oil spills fracking chemicals hazardous waste plastic pollution microplastic contaminants marine debris marine dumpster divers garbage patch dead zones oxygen deprivation eutrophication harmful algal blooms red tide poison fish fish kills macro algae die off giant kelp forest loss coastal erosion beach loss wetlands destruction salt marshes reclamation projects mangrove forests habitat loss coral reef decline sea temperature rise thermal expansion rising seas encroaching coastlines barrier island shift sand dunes salinity changes aquifer drainage groundwater drawdown agricultural runoff pollutants fertilisers nitrogen phosphorus pesticides chemical residues antibiotics veterinary medicines antibiotic resistance gene editing GM crops transgenics Monsanto RoundUp weedkillers glyphosate linked diseases Parkinson’s Alzheimer’s autofluorescent brain cells proteomic studies neurodegenerative conditions epigenetic markers DNA mutations gene expression chromosome breaks genetic damage cellular senescence aging accelerator telomere shortening mitochondrial dysfunction oxidative stress telomerase inhibitors accelerated cellular aging premature death chronic low grade inflammation autoimmune disorders multiple sclerosis rheumatoid arthritis Crohn’s colitis Hashimoto thyroiditis Sjogren syndrome Lupus Raynaud’s POTS dysautonomia mast cell activation Syndrome MCAS histamine overload allergies allergen sensitivity food intolerances Candida yeast infection small intestinal bacterial overgrowth SIBO irritable bowel syndrome gut flora dysbiosis leaky gut leaky brain gut/brain axis enteropathonic bacteria fungi parasite opportunistic infection parasites neurotoxins heavy metal poison lead cadmium aluminium mercury formaldehyde endocrine disruptors plasticizers BPA flame retardants fireproof chemcials dioxin releases dioxin hotspots landfill leakages runoff land application spreading seepage leachate injection drift dust storm dispersals insect vectors mosquito Zika virus transmission West Nile fever Chikungunya yellow fever Dengue viruses avian flu pandemic bird migrations shipping container cargo ships live animal transport trade routes wildlife markets wild animal consumption bushmeat poachers trophy hunters rhino horn elephant ivory exotic pets status symbols luxury items luxury consumption fashion trends fast fashion cheap clothing disposable consumer culture throwaway culture planned obsolesce lifestyle marketing advertising billion dollar industries capitalistic greed product pushing planned obsolesce manufacture defective products intention design faults profit maximizing minimal labour costs outsourcing labour sweatshops third world working conditions living wages minimum wages forced child labour indentured servitude slave labour bonded servitude modern day slavery organ trafficking arms trade narcotic drugs cocaine Cartel kingpins drug lords paramilitary forces Colombian FARC Revolutionary Armed Forces Colombia narco states narco territories Mexican cartels Beltran Leys Barreras Los Zetas Gulf Cartel Juarez Cartel Knights Templar La Familia Michoacan New Generation Jalisco New Generation La Barrio Azteca Texas Syndicate sureno Sureños surfers California Mara Salvatrucha MS13 rival factions Crips Blood gangsters Vice Lords Black Guerrilla Family Aryan Brotherhood White Supremecists Prison gangster Russian Mafia Bratva Chechen Mafia Albanian Mafia Camorra Neapolitan Mafia ’Ndràngheta Sicilian Mafia Yakuza Japanese Organized Crime Yamaguchi-gumi Sumiyoshi-kai Kobe uchioka Kakegawa Murayama Takeda Hikita Shukuhashi Yoshida Hanamaru Taisho Kankeiren Seihōkaisha Nikkyoso Japan Teacher Unions teacher strikes salary demands job actions work slow down boycott textbook sales government schools privatisatin reform education curriculum changes centralization testing high stakes tests academic pressure student suicide school shootings Columbine copycat crimes school rampages classroom violence zero tolerance discipline codes strict enforcement policicing authoritarian punishment no mercy lenient sentences lenient judges judicial revolving doors recidivists repeat offenders career criminals habitual criminals second chances get out jail early probational release halfway houses transitional housing sober living recovery centers twelve step programs NA meetings AA Al Annon AFGA NarAnon Alanon Adult Children Of Alcoholics ACOLA family members Codependents enabling enabler co dependency counselors therapists psychoanalyst group therapy peer groups survivors anonymous loved ones lost siblings relatives friends neighbours strangers coworkers employers employees colleagues boss workers manager staff union representatives employee relations executives managers directors managers upper management middle management lower ranks frontline staff customer service staff hospitality tour guide waitstaff restaurant servers restaurant workers retail cashiers shelf stockers warehouse pick pack delivery drivers truck drivers logistics coordinators shippers freighters freighter crews dockworkers porters baggage handlers ticket agents travel agents airports flight attendants gatekeeprs customs officers port inspectors border patrol Immigration officers visa officers green card applicants refugees displaced persons IDP International Displacement Persons Stateless individuals stateless nomads Internally Displace Persons IDPs minorities immigrants immigrant visas lottery winners American dream dream chaser wannabe starstruck arrivistes aspiring entrepreneurs struggling families blue collar manual labour skilled tradesmen maintenance professionals mechanics electricians carpentaries builders bricklayers construction contractors roof repair cement mixing pour concrete finishing painting landscaping gardening snow clearing sidewalk sweeping street cleaning janitorial services cleaning ladies maids housekeeping personnel household help au pairs nanny babysitter tutors language teachers English as a Second Language ESL Spanish instructurs German instructor French instructor Chinese Mandarin Cantonese Italian professor lecturers researchers university academics PhD students Masters Students Undergraduates vocational students tradespeople hair dressiers beauty therapists massage parlour operators nail technicians taxi driver ride share operators ride hailing gig economy platform workers app developers tech startups mobile applications IT consultancies telecommunicaiton experts data specialists database administrators sys admin cloud computing cloud storage AI machine learning bigdata analysis statistical modelling mathematical model predictive analytics forecast strategise business development business coaches team building workshops leadership training courses entrepreneur bootcamps startup seminars pitch competitions panel discussions keynote speakers TedX talks podcast hosts blog writers content creators YouTubers Twitch streamer twitch gamemakers game developers Indie studios multiplayer games single player campaign console gammes PC gaming streaming platform PlayStation Xbox switch Nintendo Switch Steam PC Store itch io indiegala humble bundle Microsoft store Valve steam Mac App Store Android playstore Kindle Amazon Fire tablet Alexa skills voice activated Skype Viber Whatsapp FaceTime Messenger Instagram snapchat Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit Quora YouTube reddit threads facebook posts tweeter replies comments shares likes retweets amplifying signals signal boost whipsaws echo chamber bubbles filter bubble confirmation bias belief reinforcements tribal allegiances tribal alliances ideological divisions party affiliations partisan divides Red vs Blue Divide rednecks tea partiers Trump supporters Patriarch patriarchy religious conservativtes evangelicals Catholics Protestants Baptits Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Jehova witness Pentecostials seven days adventurer Saturday Sabbatarians seventh day keep holy Sunday Christians Christian values Western Christianity Abrahamic religions Muslim Islam Jewish Judaica Rabbincal councils Yeshiva studying rabbi scholars Talmad yeshivas Israeli secular education Arab Spring Islamic State ISIS Iraq War War On Terror Afghanistan War Vietnam war Korea War Korean comfort women My Lai Massacre Hiroshima Nagaski A Bomb atomic energy atomic reactors Chernobyl nuclear accidents Three Miles Island Minamata Mercury Minamata Bay Minamata Disease lead pipe Poison Water Crisis Flint Michigan Leglione water crisis Detroit river poison Lead paint chip hazards Landlord liability renters tenant rights tenements Chicago public housing projects Section Eight section eight housing projects Chicago politics City Hall Alderman Mayoral race city council alderman committe membership councilmembers ward offices district attorney prosecutorial discretction elected attorneys appointed positions political appointments patronge politics local businesses owners restaurants clubs strip clubs brothels gambling dens prostitution drug dens prostitution zones neighborhood watch vigilante groups citizens patrol community watch patrolling neighbourhood stakeholders residents associations Homeowner Associaton HOAs Property Ownership Association POA Power Of Attorney guardians lawyers doctors nurses physican assistanst dentistry oral surgeounces orthodonticts dental hygenistes


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