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Greece to Tax Cryptocurrency Profits Starting in 2025


Athens, Greece – In a significant shift towards regulating the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry, the Greek government has announced plans to implement taxes on cryptocurrency profits beginning in 2025. This move marks a substantial change from the current stance, where gains from crypto transactions are neither taxed nor officially recognized by authorities.

Current Landscape and the Upcoming Change

As it stands, Greek investors enjoy a tax-free environment for their cryptocurrency profits. This laissez-faire approach has contributed to the popularity of digital assets among Greek citizens. However, with the rapid growth of the crypto market and increasing global scrutiny, the Greek government has decided to introduce new tax regulations to ensure proper oversight and revenue generation.

Starting in 2025, individuals and businesses will be required to report their cryptocurrency earnings, which will be subject to taxation. The specifics of the tax rates and reporting requirements are yet to be detailed, but this initiative is part of a broader regulatory effort aimed at bringing clarity and structure to the cryptocurrency industry.

Rationale Behind the Decision

The decision to tax cryptocurrency profits is driven by several factors. Firstly, it aligns Greece with other European Union countries that have already instituted similar measures. By doing so, Greece aims to foster a fair and competitive financial environment while preventing potential tax evasion and money laundering activities associated with unregulated digital currencies.

Secondly, the Greek government recognizes the substantial revenue potential that taxing cryptocurrency profits presents. With the crypto market’s exponential growth, taxing these profits could provide a significant boost to the national budget, funding essential public services and infrastructure projects.


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