Former Mt. Gox CEO: The current industry has too much centralization risk and too many scam projects

According to BlockBeats, on September 8, former Mt.Gox CEO Mark Karpeles said in an interview at the Korean Blockchain Week that the current centralization risk in the industry is too high and there are too many scam projects. “There are too many such projects, and I use the word bad in a very broad sense, because it is either a scam project or a project that does not bring any outstanding new content.”

In addition, Karpeles did not forget to promote the hierarchical deterministic wallet (HD) technology, saying that if HD technology had been available in the Mt. Gox era, the tragedy would not have happened. It is reported that HD is a wallet that can securely manage and generate multiple public and private key pairs, which is generated by a master seed.

by blockbeats


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