Dubai Just Made Crypto Salaries Legal: Here’s What It Means

DUBAI Crypto Salaries
  • Dubai court gives the green light for paying salaries in cryptocurrency.
  • The ruling came from a case involving EcoWatt tokens.
  • It reverses a previous decision that was against crypto payments.
  • This could pave the way for more businesses to adopt crypto in the UAE.

Dubai’s Bold Move: Crypto Wages Are Now Officially Legal


In a move that’s shaking up the employment landscape, Dubai’s courts have officially recognized cryptocurrency as a legal way to pay salaries. This decision is a big deal, marking a significant shift in how digital currencies are viewed in the UAE.

The Story Behind the Ruling

It all started when an employee was paid part of their salary in EcoWatt tokens, a cryptocurrency that’s tied to renewable energy projects. But when the employer stopped paying the crypto portion for six months, the employee took them to court to claim their unpaid wages.

What’s surprising? The court ruled in favor of the employee, stating that the employer must pay the missing salary in EcoWatt tokens, just as agreed in the contract. Unlike previous cases, the court didn’t require the tokens to be converted into regular money, signaling a major shift in how digital payments are treated.

Why This Matters

This ruling is huge because it overturns a 2023 decision where a similar case was dismissed due to the court’s uncertainty about the value of cryptocurrency. The 2024 ruling, however, takes a more forward-thinking approach. If your contract says you’ll be paid in crypto, then that’s what you should receive—no conversions needed.

Grounded in UAE law, this decision reinforces the idea that workers are entitled to their wages, whether that’s in traditional money or cryptocurrency. This could open the door for more businesses in the UAE to start using digital currencies, making crypto payments more mainstream.