Celsius Hits Users with $100M Lawsuit for Pre-Bankruptcy Withdrawals

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celsius e1684309916400

In a controversial move, Celsius is pursuing legal action to recover $100 million from users who withdrew funds just before the company declared bankruptcy. The lawsuit targets thousands of former users, raising significant concerns and discussions within the crypto community.

pre-bankruptcy withdrawals



Celsius, a prominent crypto lending platform, filed for bankruptcy in 2022 amid a turbulent market environment. As the company navigates its financial restructuring, it has now set its sights on reclaiming funds withdrawn by users in the 90 days preceding the bankruptcy declaration. This period, often referred to as the “preference period,” allows companies to potentially recover payments made shortly before bankruptcy if deemed preferential.

The Legal Battle

The lawsuit aims to “claw back” these funds, arguing that withdrawals made during this critical period unfairly benefited some users over others. Celsius is not just seeking the amounts withdrawn but is also pushing for these funds to be valued at June 14, 2024 market rates, which could significantly increase the amount owed by users given the fluctuations in cryptocurrency values since 2022.

Impact on Users

For many former Celsius users, this move comes as a shock. The platform’s decision to pursue these funds could lead to substantial financial burdens, particularly as the market rates of cryptocurrencies have varied greatly over the past two years. The possibility of having to return funds at today’s higher market values adds to the complexity and potential financial strain on those affected.

Community Reaction

The reaction within the cryptocurrency community has been mixed. Some see Celsius’ actions as a necessary step to ensure fair treatment of all creditors in the bankruptcy proceedings. Others view it as an aggressive and unfair attempt to penalize users who acted in their best interest during a time of uncertainty.