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Ethereum Cancun Upgrade Finalized: New Features and Increased Potential


The Ethereum developer community recently concluded its latest meeting, where they finalized the scope of the eagerly anticipated Cancun upgrade. This upgrade brings several exciting new features to the Ethereum blockchain, aiming to enhance its scalability, efficiency, and overall user experience.


The key highlights of the Cancun upgrade, including the introduction of EIP 4844 (proto-danksharding) and the implementation of EIP 4788, EIP 6988, EIP 7044, EIP 7045, and EIP 4788.

The decision to cancel the effective balance of Ethereum validators’ 32 ETH cap and the increase in the maximum blob count per block from 4 to 6. The Cancun upgrade is expected to significantly impact the Ethereum ecosystem and pave the way for further growth and innovation.

Alex Stokes suggested tabling the conversation on EIP 6988 to focus on the final TM Deneb release. The developers agreed to revisit it later.

Regarding the other EIPs for Deneb, developers discussed:

  1. EIP 7044: A code change to improve the staking user experience.
  2. EIP 7045: A code change to enhance chain security.
  3. EIP 4788: A code change to improve the staking user experience.

Stokes encouraged CL client teams to review these EIPs for inclusion in Deneb.

Validator Attestation and Aggregation Deadlines

Developers are considering increasing the maximum blob count per block from 4 to 6 based on a recommendation from Ethereum Foundation researcher Dankrad Feist. The client teams will test the increased blob count on the next EIP 4844 test network and make a final decision in two weeks.

During ACDC #111, Feist shared test results showing no irregularities with validators processing large blocks on Ethereum. The discussion on the maximum blob count also raised the issue of increasing block reorganizations post-Shanghai upgrade.

Developers debated changes to the four-second deadline for aggregating validator attestations and sending them through the network. More investigation is needed to create a concrete proposal around a change to the attestation deadline.

Validator Maximum Effective Balance

Ethereum Foundation Researcher Michael Neuder proposed removing the 32 ETH cap on effective balances to slow the growth of the active validator set. The proposal aims to improve future roadmap upgrades, reduce bloat on the peer-to-peer layer, and empower independent validators.
