“Crypto Kiosks Reach 45 New U.S. Convenience Stores”

Yesway and Coinflip will need to comply with US regulations if they are to offer these machines in all the states.

The expansion of Yesway’s crypto kiosks follows a similar move by AT&T, which also announced that it would be installing crypto ATMs in its stores. These machines will allow customers to buy bitcoin with a phone or debit card. The rise in the number of crypto ATMs has been hailed as a positive move for the industry, with some experts predicting that these machines could be the key to mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies.


Cryptocurrency will be more accessible to users in the South and Midwest regions of the US following the announcement that Yesway, the convenience store chain, will team up with Coinflip to install 45 new crypto ATMs in Yesway stores. The two firms hope that the new machines will allow customers to buy and sell bitcoin and other digital currencies more easily.

The new kiosks will be installed in the Southwest and Midwest over the next three months and will enable customers to buy bitcoin using a bank account or debit card. The ATMs will also offer the ability to sell bitcoin for cash, which could be useful for those who sell bitcoin to pay bills or buy goods.

Bitcoin has become more popular in recent years as a payment method, and the new machines could help drive the trend of wider adoption. However, some experts have warned that there are still the potential for regulatory issues.

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