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Hong Kong Welcomes Global Crypto Exchanges for Compliance and Stock Listing


In a recent statement, Hong Kong legislator Jonny Ng extended an invitation to global cryptocurrency exchanges, including Coinbase, to apply for compliance exchanges in Hong Kong. Ng expressed his willingness to provide assistance and discuss stock listing plans with interested parties.

Crypto Compliance

This move comes in light of the previous listings of OKX and Huobi compliance entities on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. However, concerns remain regarding potential pressure from the United States, which may impact the decision-making process.

Hong Kong’s positive attitude toward global cryptocurrency exchanges is evident in the recent comments made by legislator Jonny Ng. In his statement, Ng specifically mentioned that exchanges, such as Coinbase, are welcome to come to Hong Kong and apply for compliance exchanges. By extending this invitation, Hong Kong aims to position itself as a crypto-friendly hub with clear regulatory frameworks. Additionally, Ng expressed his willingness to provide support and assistance to potential applicants, emphasizing the importance of fostering a collaborative environment.

The credibility of Hong Kong as a favorable destination for cryptocurrency exchanges is bolstered by the prior listings of OKX and Huobi compliance entities on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. These listings signify the recognition of these exchanges as compliant and regulated entities within Hong Kong’s financial ecosystem. By showcasing the successful incorporation of crypto exchanges into the traditional financial market, Hong Kong establishes its commitment to striking a balance between innovation and regulatory oversight.

Given the possibility of US pressure, it seems that the ultimate decision for crypto exchanges will depend on a change in the US attitude towards the industry. Until there is a shift in the US regulatory landscape, exchanges considering a move to Hong Kong may have to wait for a more favorable environment. This highlights the interconnectedness of global regulatory frameworks and the challenges faced by crypto businesses operating across different jurisdictions.