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Bitcoin And Ethereum Options Set To Expire

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As the expiration date for Bitcoin and Ethereum options approaches, traders are anticipating significant volatility in the market. With a notional value of $770 million for Bitcoin options and $320 million for Ethereum options, traders are keenly monitoring the expiration data and the corresponding price movements.



According to data from @GreeksLive, there are 29k Bitcoin options set to expire with a Put Call Ratio of 0.63. The max pain point, or the price point at which the most options expire worthless, is predicted to be $28,000. This means that traders who are short on Bitcoin are likely to benefit if the price stays below $28,000. On the other hand, traders who are long on Bitcoin are likely to benefit if the price stays above $28,000.


For Ethereum, there are 181k options set to expire with a Put Call Ratio of 0.81. The max pain point for Ethereum is predicted to be $1,900. Similar to Bitcoin, traders who are short on Ethereum are likely to benefit if the price stays below $1,900, while traders who are long on Ethereum are likely to benefit if the price stays above $1,900.