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OKX API Outage Triggers Chaos for Thousands of Users


The abrupt disruption of the OKX API, which resulted in a tumultuous display of account balances. Reports emerged of balances fluctuating wildly, with some accounts showing zero balances while others unexpectedly soared to tens of millions of dollars. The widespread impact of this incident has affected users across various regions, including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Japan, and beyond.

The incident precipitated significant distress among traders, with some reporting substantial losses due to the lack of accurate position data obtained through the API. The repercussions were markedly severe, as traders struggled to cope with the ramifications of the unprecedented account balance fluctuations.

In response to the escalating crisis, OKX acknowledged the situation and revealed that error reporting issues had plagued the account balance and position interfaces. The company emphasized that its technology team was urgently addressing the technical challenges to restore stability.


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