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FTX Founder Sam Bankman Fried Convicted

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The trial of FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried has taken a surprising twist, revealing an unexpected betrayal by three of his former close friends. The jury recently delivered a verdict that could reshape the landscape of cryptocurrency and financial markets.

SBF Faces Decades in Prison as FTX Execs Shift Blame

Key figures in the FTX empire, including Alameda Research Chief Executive Officer Caroline Ellison, FTX co-founder Gary Wang, and FTX engineering chief Nishad Singh, took the stand as star witnesses during the trial. Their shocking revelations have sent shockwaves through the industry.

Fines for Execs, But SBF Braces for the Hammer of Justice

The courtroom was rife with tension as the jury delivered a damning verdict against Sam Bankman-Fried, the co-founder of FTX

Caroline Ellison, the Chief Executive Officer of Alameda Research, Gary Wang, co-founder of FTX, and Nishad Singh, FTX engineering chief, emerged as the unexpected stars of the trial. The trio, once close friends and associates of Bankman-Fried, took the witness stand to reveal shocking details about their former colleague’s involvement in fraudulent activities.

While Ellison, Wang, and Singh may escape incarceration, they won’t be let off the hook lightly. Instead, they are set to face substantial fines for their involvement in the controversy. However, the real spotlight is on SBF, who is now confronting the looming threat of a lengthy prison sentence when he is sentenced in March.

According to Ellison, Wang, and Singh, Bankman-Fried played a pivotal role in orchestrating a fraudulent scheme. Their testimonies suggested that he had directed them to facilitate the unlawful transfer of billions of dollars in FTX customer funds to Alameda, an affiliated hedge fund predominantly owned by Bankman-Fried himself.


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